Pregnancy Help Slidell – A Place of Hope – Location and help – we are in Slidell – (near Fratelli’s Restaurant.)
…we are located at 550 Gause Boulevard – Suite 2, in Slidell (between 7th and 9th Street – next to Fratellis Restaurant)
For appointments or help:
CALL 985-643-4357 (office) TextLine 10a-2p 985-273-5772
Help Line (TEXT after hours) 504-233-2832 – (for emergency help)

Outreaches of hope for women:
Pregnancy Help, Information, and Care (Help and many resources in a community that cares. There is hope.)
SpeakHope Outreach to Women (Help for young women at risk for predatory relationships.)
EmbraceHope (Healing and help for abortion related hurt and trauma.)